Wednesday, February 8, 2012

HON202: Tutorial on Disney.  This page shows the evolution of our organization for the course, with the latest schedule at the end

Jan. 19: After talking with Colin, the rest of the group met and we came up with this outline and game plan:
Framework: for each of the 3 segments, write a 5-p paper analyzing the topic and what we have learned from it
I. What to work on
1. Bio of the person and the corporation
2. Innovations:
Movies:  phases from 20s to the present
Art  and music
Theme parks: entertainment, design issues
Celebration: planned community
3. Influence:
            Central fl
            South America: WD and El Groupo; Ariel Dorfman’s imperialism theme
            International theme parks
            Animation industry, Pixar
            American culture: become a brand
            Technology: animatronics
            Planning use of space, urban planning
            Recruitment of creative talent
            Corporation as Entertainment trust: buying Marvel, TV channels
Disney critics

II. Where to find
1.. Watts, magic kingdom
2. Inside the Mouse: Work and Play at Disney World, The Project on Disney (Paperback)
by The Project on Disney (Author), et al.
3. foglesong, Married to the Mouse
III. class assignment format
1. goal: to take the fun material of Disney and discover how it came to be (lift the veil on its production) and what impact it has had (find its footprint)
2. read/watch, research (in books and other material), analyze through discussion and writing
Next Steps:
-everyone to order a copy of the three books (used copies available from $6-12 each)
-Everyone find 3 book reviews in professional journals and/or magazines of these books, and we discuss them in out next class meeting on Tu Jan. 31 at 4pm

Summary Collin’s feedback, with some more ideas from PJC suggested by his, here arranged around the three areas for us to work on, Bio, Innovations, influence:
1.bios: Steven Watts, magic kingdom: WD and the
American Way
of Life: sets WD in context of his upbringing and challenges and American values he absorbed and reflected in his work
-the author: : he is a business journalist with an undergraduate degree, and his business is promoting tourism Gabler is a journalist with a lot of intellectual heft interview with Gabler about WD bio critical review of Gabler, pointing out its mistakes, by Michael Barrier, who wrote Animated Man: A Life of WD
2.Inside looks: Inside the Mouse: Work and Play at Disney World: the D Project The D project is a tourguide to all things D WDW Hidden History: Tributes: as the name suggests, an uncritical presentation of the gee-wiz of WDW
3.Disney and Central FL: Chad David Emerson, Project Future: the inside Story behind the Creation of WDW: a journalist, apparently with legal training; informative, and might be a celebration of the company as the wave of the future

January 31, 2012, pjc’s outline with Resources:
I. Biography of the Man and the Company
Disney’s Formation, before the trumpet: Watts, ch 1; gabler, chs 1, 2
Early career: Watts, ch 2; Gabler, ch 3
Take off: Watts, ch 3; Gabler, ch 4
Golden Age, Gabler, ch 5
            Populism: Watts, chs 4, 5
            Sentimentality: Watts, ch 6
            Animation as art and craft: Watts, ch 7
            Icon: Watts, chs 8, 9
            Toward Imagineering: Watts, ch 10
Divided Workshop/ Political turn: Watts, ch 11; Gabler, 6 or 7
National Booster: Watts, ch 12; Gabler, ch 8
After the Initial Wonders: Watts, chs 13, 14; Gabler, ch 9
Soldier for AntiCommunism: Watts, chs 15-17
Entertainment, expressing or controlling people’s desires: Watts, chs 18-19
Making Fantasy a Place: Watts, ch 20; Gabler, ch 10
Toward Entertainment Empire: Watts, chs 21, 22; Gabler, ch 11
II. Disney Creativity: Looking Inside
Art: Find art commentary
Films: Cartoons, movies: find film criticism
Theme Parks: portions of Foglesong and Emerson; Disney project; Imagineering Field guide
The Logistics of Stuff: Technology and layout: Imagineering Field guide
Management Style and Leadership: portions of Watts and Gabler; 10 Common Sense Leadership strategies; Wendy Lowe, Bill Andrews
Celebration: find material on planned communities
III. Impact
Central Florida:
            Secret Searches: Emerson, chs 1-6; Foglesong, chs 1-3
            Local Persuasions: Foglesong, ch 4
Building: Emerson, chs. 7-12
Big Footprint: Foglesong, chs 5-6
Jockeying for Position: Foglesong, chs 7-9
South America: film critics and bios
International Theme parks: bios and media
Brand: Media
Recruitment: Looking Inside books
Entertainment Trust: bios, Foglesong, media
Progressive Disney: media
Disney Critics: Dorfman, journals

February 7, 2012
Date                      Assignment Due                                              Class Time
Feb 7                     1st Blog Post                                                       Influences on Walt blog posts
Feb 14                   2nd Blog Post and comments                       What Watts has to say about our post topics
Feb 21                   1st set of Powerpoint Slides                        Mini-presentations
Feb 28                   3rd Blog Post and comments                        TBD
Mar 6                     4th Blog Post and comments                        TBD
Mar 13                  2nd set of Powerpoint Slides                       Mini-presentations
Mar 20                  5th Blog Post and comments                        TBD
Mar 27                  6th Blog Post and comments                        TBD
Apr 3                     3rd set of Powerpoint Slides                        Mini-presentations
Apr 10                                                                                                   Begin work on SURCAS presentation
Apr 17                                                                                                   Finalize SURCAS presentation
Each of the 6 blogposts should be about a page (in terms of length) or a substantial paragraph (a unit of explanation), with the comments on two other posts showing reflection and reaction in comparison with what each student learns and interprets


  1. I edited this post to add a page jump so that the text wasn't so long on the main page. Hope that's ok.

    1. good idea, as long as it is clear that the lastest news/info is at the end....
